Emission standard and dust filter bag application condition shared from direct filter bag manufacturer
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Emission standard and dust filter bag application condition

Views : 4948
Update time : 2016-12-06 10:23:21

Emission standard and dust filter bag application condition shared from direct filter bag manufacturer-Shanghai Filterworkshop

Shanghai Filterworkshop is one filter bag manufacturer.

Baghouse dust collector system is used more and more often in different countries.

It has been developed quickly since 1980s.

US emission standard is 0.031b/btu.

Germany emission standard is 10mg/m3 per day, 30mg/m3 per 1/2hour

Japan, for coal boiling power plant, its emission standard is less 10mg/m3

Dust filter bags application condition:

During all the applications of dust filter bags, first is power station.

Second is chemical industry, third is paper mill, the fourth is oil refinery, after that is mining, cement and metallurgy.