Liquid bag filters means the filters which are used for solid-liquid separation. It is also called water bag filters or micron bag filters. INDRO filtration is one of professional liquid bag filters manufacturers from China. Our liquid bag filters include
As one professional industrial filter bags manufacturer, INDRO filtration is introducing you filter bags specification-micron rating-trade size/chart-materials...
Based on the theories that the formation of dust layer is conducive to filtration, a layer of microporous film is artificially covered on the surface of ordinary filter material to improve the dust removal effect. Therefore, the membrane on the filter mat
In the filtration mechanism of the filter material fiber, diffusion, gravity, inertia collision, static electricity and other functions all exist on the dust layer, but the main role is screening.
As one of food grade filter bag manufacturer, INDRO filtration supply micron filter bags from 0.5-200 micron PP felt filter bag, 0.5-200 PE felt filter bags to 50-1500 micron NMO nylon mesh filter bags.
As one filter rolls manufacturer, INDRO filtration introduces you about filtration mechanism of filter material:porosity and capture of unsteady filtration..
Food grade 1 micron filter bags are made of 1 micron FDA certificated filter materials. As one food grade filter bag manufacturer, INDRO filtration introduces you specials of food grade 1 micron filter bags as followings:
As one filter bag manufacturer, INDRO filtration introduces you filtration mechanism of filter material: direct interception, gravity settlement and electrostatic attraction.