Filtration mechanism of filter material-01
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Filtration mechanism of filter material-01

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Update time : 2019-12-19 15:24:09
Filtration mechanism of filter material
The dust gas passes through the
filter material at the speed of 0.5 ~ 3m / min, and the operation time of dust particles in the filter material fiber layer is only 0.01 ~ 0.3 seconds. In a moment, the dust particles in the gas are separated by the filter material. There are two mechanisms: one is the collection of dust particles by the fiber layer; the other is the collection of dust particles by the dust layer. In a sense, the latter mechanism plays a more important role.
1 - diffusion effect
Particles smaller than 0.2micron collide with gas molecules to produce irregular motion. In 1872, British Brown first found that particles move irregularly in the fluid, so it is called Brown motion. Some dust particles are blocked by fibers or dust layers, which is called diffusion effect. Reducing the filtration speed, reducing the fiber diameter and increasing the gas temperature will increase the diffusion effect. The diffusion is also related to the size of dust particles. The smaller the particle diameter is, the more significant the diffusion is. With high speed, fine fiber and coarse particle size, the collection efficiency will be improved.

2-inertia effect
If the mass of the particles is large, the mechanism that the gas is blocked when it flows through the fiber layer is called inertial effect.
The inertial impact effect is directly proportional to the size of dust particles. The density of dust particles and the velocity of air flow are inversely proportional to the impact effect.
The better the inertial impact effect is, the higher the
dust particle collection efficiency it brings.