Tips of filter bag beaded snap band top shared from Shanghai INDRO
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Tips of filter bag beaded snap band top

Views : 5327
Update time : 2017-08-18 16:37:33

Beaded snap band top is common top of dust collector filter bags, including needle punched felt filter bags and woven fiberglass filter bags.

Beaded snap band top means double beaded snap band filter bag top, there is one groove at the top. One complete beaded snap band filter bag top include: snap band, snap band strip and felt.

Snap band materials include carbon steel, stainless steel, the width are 25mm or 30mm. Snap band strip is one strip made of needle punched felt or woven fiberglass or other materials. It is with one small groove, approx 10mm width and 8mm depth. The snap band strip is sticking onto the snap band. Then use needle punched felt to cover the snap band with strip to make one round snap band top. Shanghai Indro Industry Co., Ltd is specializing on dust collector filter bags with snap band top.

All kinds of dust collector filter bags can be with beaded snap band top.